I (Jen) just came home from a camping trip and so my thoughts are still on the things of nature . . . I love the things of nature . . .
Our camping trip was sort of a fail though, being that the beauty of nature was infringed upon by the degradation of construction and a highway that somebody built too close to the camp ground! Who would do that? I don't understand . . .
I don't understand why we build stuff without considering the ecological effects it will have on our planet, or how it will ruin our recreational activities! Ha Ha . . .
At the same time . . .
I came home to find that the weeds and grass were overwhelming my gardens more than ever, and I couldn't be too sad about it, because I think it's beautiful that no matter what man does to try and control nature - it often finds a way to fight back! Most people have contemplated this upon encountering a blade of grass or a wild flower growing in the crack of a cemented area. While some may consider such a sight a failure of human technology - I see it as a triumphant sign that nature is resilient no matter how much damage is inflicted on it!
Soooooo - global warming? Fact or Fiction? Could mere humans really alter the course of nature? The world heats up and cools down - that's just what it does, , , and right now, it's heating up - no big deal.
Well - if you want to know how the gals over at Jen's Housekeeping feel about Global Warming - I will tell you! We think there is a whole lot of truth to the scientific claim that humans are causing the earth to heat up far more than is natural according to the warming and cooling cycles recorded in the history of our existence.
At the same time . . . when it comes to how we treat our earth - does it really matter if global warming is fact or fiction? I am thinking of the many tips that come from environmentalist on how to reverse the warming trend and they all make sense regardless of whether or not our planet is suffocating in greenhouse gasses! Every tip I have heard and can think of at the moment (using less non-renewable energy, buying local, disposing of paint and batteries appropriately, and so on) have benefits that can and will improve our lives in so many more ways than one! These actions will improve our economic situation, our physical health as individuals and communities, and will simply make for a more pleasant environment to live, regardless of whether or not you believe they are helping to reverse global warming!
In my opinion - debating the issue is ridiculous, because these actions to change our habits as a people, a community, a nation, are all things we should do anyway! Imagine that you buy a house, and then decide that you don't want to put your trash in a specific receptacle, or wash your dishes, or vacuum, , , you got the picture, right? Those things may not destroy the house, but you will end up living in filth and squalor and ultimately your health and your environment will be compromised of vitality and beauty and and and . . . .
Of course - one could argue that over time - failing to accomplish such menial chores could eventually and inadvertently? lead to the degradation of the structure of the house . . . but would it take proving that to make you want to wash your dishes? Do you see where I am going with this? ? ?
From the stand point of simple and good stewardship - we should all be making decisions that improve our over all standard of living - but at the same time, I imagine that more would be inspired to change their every day habits if they felt that it was matter of life or death. So while I don't think it should take proving whether or not Global Warming is real to convince one to make changes in how they live their lives, maybe on some level it is still necessary? Sad, so sad, but probably true? What are your thoughts?
Jen's Housekeeping Service believes that Global Warming is a reality - and so strives to make choices that will contribute to the reversal of such possible negative impacts. BUT - if we are wrong, and Global Warming is not fact - then at least we are washing our dirty dishes and sweeping the floor so that filth and squalor do not take over! We want to help you "love the space you live in" . . . . not just by sweeping your floors and dusting your mantles, but by encouraging you to consider your daily habits and whether or not they contribute to the beauty of our world, or the degrading of it . . . the choice is all of ours for the taking!
Habitat by the Numbers
8 years ago
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